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Welcome to our NimBlog.
And no, we're not sold on that name yet.

Here's where you'll find the latest news, information, thoughts, opinions and, in many cases, nonsense knocking around the heads of our NiMBiN Pot Shop budtenders, support staff and contributors.

We'll be adding tons of content as time goes by, so watch this space. Well, not literally. Just come back and check every once in a while. Don't just, you know, sit there, staring at this page. That's creepy.

We are your friendly neighborhood legal weed shop, and today we’re talking about tinctures! What is a tincture? Tinctures are liquid extracts of herbs, meant to be ingested orally. They’re normally made by dissolving active components of herbs in alcohol. Soaking your marijuana in alcohol leaches the THC away from the plant matter, leaving a …

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Great video by our friends at Craft Elixirs. We think vapes are awesome, but occasionally they need a little love to keep delivering top performance. Here’s how to fix a clogged or jammed vape: Vape Troubleshooting from Craft Elixirs on Vimeo.

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Who doesn’t love edibles? They can be sweet or savory, eaten warm or cool, and provide a way different experience than smoking does. They all have one common ingredient: cannabutter. This is the magic ingredient that turns regular food into *special* food. The following guide will walk you through the process of making your own …

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Howdy y’all! We are your friendly local weed shop, and today we’re talking about cool pocket-size vaping devices. As you know, vaping is smoother and probably healthier than smoking. If you’re curious about trying vaping for the first time, here are some great devices to try. There are a ton of discreet, portable options to choose from. …

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